Tantrum Tracker
In early 2010 I started learning app development for iOS. Inspired by my son’s autism diagnosis, and after frustrating interactions with physicians and therapists, trying to remember specific details of various behavioral issues, I came up with the idea for Tantrum Tracker. I launched the app in 2011, for iPhone and iPad, and was surprised at the very positive response from parents of children on the autism spectrum, as well as behaviorists, doctors, therapists, teachers, and many school systems. It was a challenging first time development experience as I had to create a lot of the app’s art (and logo) myself, in Photoshop. (In addition to UIKit, the app utilizes AVFoundation, Core Data, and Core Plot and a number of other third party libraries).
The app has evolved over the years, with much of its current feature set derived from the input of users, especially the professionals using and recommending the app. Tantrum Tracker held a five star review for a long time. The critical comments I’ve received along the way are almost universally about things the app doesn’t do, which I take as high compliments and proof of the apps usefulness. Currently, I am developing a Firestore backed version of the app called, “Tantrum Tracker Pro”, that will add many features users have requested such as family groups and data sharing.